How Daytime Napping Increases Risk of Diabetes Type 2

How Daytime Napping Increases Risk of Diabetes Type 2

Daytime Napping Increases Risk of Diabetes Type 2

If you like taking naps during the day, you may want to read this.

A review done by scientists from the University of Tokyo showed a close relation between napping and development of diabetes type 2. The study, observed that out of its 260,000 participants, those who slept/took naps during the day had a 56% increased risk of developing diabetes compared to those who did not. It was observed that those who took hour-long daytime naps had increased chances of developing diabetes than those who took fewer naps or did not sleep at all.

Although the study did not necessarily link napping to diabetes, it suggested that heavy sleepiness during the day may be a warning sign of developing diabetes two conditions. But this does not mean napping during the day is entirely bad. In fact, previous studies have shown that taking a 30 minute or fewer naps during the day improved focus and alertness in people.

So what is Diabetes type 2?

Risk of Diabetes Type 2

Diabetes is a condition that develops when the body is unable to process sugar in the blood. There are two types of diabetes. Diabetes type 1-(also known as diabetes mellitus) and type 2 (Diabetes insipindus) According to the American Diabetes Association, over 387 million people worldwide have these two forms of diabetes.

Diabetes type 2 is the most common type of diabetes with 27 million Americans suffering from the condition. Diabetes type 2 develops as a result of lack of insulin a hormone that regulates the amount of sugar in the blood.

Why is Diabetes type 2 deadly?

When the body cannot produce enough insulin, the pancreas may take over to provide extra insulin to control blood sugar but may wear off after a while. This raises the amount of sugar levels in the blood.

When this happens, the result is more sugar in the blood and less in the cells. This causes problems such as;

•    Starvation of cells

•    It may spill over to the kidneys, eyes and heart.

Diabetes type 2 can be controlled by insulin oral medications, injections and lifestyle changes. In its milder form, some people do not need medication. But do so later on as the condition gets worse with time.

How will I know I have diabetes?

You should also get checked if you have the following symptoms;

•    You are always thirsty

•    You pee all the time

•    Your vision gets blurry at times

•    You are always irritable

•    You often feel numbness or tingling in your feet and hands

•    Always feeling tired when you haven’t done much

•    Your wounds take long to heal.

•    You constantly have yeast infections.

What increases diabetes risk?

1.    Lifestyle-excessive consumption of alcohol and fatty foods increases diabetes risk.

2.    Not exercising

3.    Smoking increases your risk of developing diabetes

4.    Stress and depression may deprive you of sleep increasing risk of diabetes

5.    Sleeping too little or too much. Recommended amount of sleep is 8 hours a day.

How to manage diabetes at home

1.    Eat healthy

While in the past diets for diabetics were restrictive, studies have shown they do not have to be.

According to the American Diabetes Association, eating healthy includes having vegetables, fruits, whole grains, dairy products, lean meat, and its substitutes, in your diet. Also avoid processed foods, sugars and saturated fats.

Avoid doing the following;

•    Overfeeding

•    Have a balanced diet, not just one type of food.

•    Skipping meals, instead space them out

2.    Exercise

Exercise is good for overall body function as well as diabetes. Exercise uses up insulin in the blood. Whether you are diabetic or not, exercise will give you the following benefits;

•    Help in body metabolism increasing energy

•    Relieves stress

•    Increases flexibility of joints and muscles

•    Lowers risk of stroke and heart disease

•    Leaves you feeling fresh and fit

If you are diabetic, you can ask your physician to recommend exercises that are appropriate for you.

3.    Weight loss

Just losing about 10% of your body weight can reduce the risk of developing diabetes by half. This is according to

4.    Stop smoking

If you can avoid it, do not smoke. Smoking increases your risk of developing diabetes.


A review of our lifestyle choices, including exercise and a healthy diet are keys to diabetes treatment cure. As for the linkage of taking long naps during the day how about taking a short nap and then a brisk walk around before settling down to do something productive.


Author Bio

Meighan Sembrano is an author at

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