Top 10 Effective Home Remedies To Cure Arthritis

Effective Home Remedies To Cure Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease of autoimmune origin, characterized by inflammation of small and medium joints. It is a progressive and subtle developmental disease, which begins with the inflammation of the synovial membranes of the affected joints, often on both sides of the body, so it is said to be symmetrical. This inflammation of the synovial membrane is responsible for the pain, the swelling that is often observed, and the sensation of stiffness that is usually noticed in the mornings. The joints most frequently affected by arthritis include those of the wrists, hands, ankles and feet.

Inflammation of the synovial membrane over a long period of time results in damage to the bone it protects, and small notches (erosions). It can also make the cartilage that acted as a pad, allowing a gentle friction between the bones, thin and even disappear.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a common disease (one in 100-300 people suffers), being more common in women in the fifth decade of life. There is also a variant that would affect children, however, rheumatoid arthritis should not be confused with rheumatism; First of all it is necessary to clarify that there is no illness or disease that receives the name of 'rheuma', is not a concrete illness. There are, however, more than two hundred different diseases of the locomotor system, also called rheumatic diseases, each with its own characteristics. Rheumatoid arthritis is one of many different rheumatic diseases that exist and therefore the advice of others who claim to have rheumatism may not be indicated for another rheumatic disease, as it may not be the same.

Effective Home Remedies To Cure Arthritis

Complications of rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis can lead to various complications. These are the most common depending on their location (bones, ligaments or tendons), as well as possible infections and even, although less frequent, amyloidosis.


Substances called cytokines, which are generated by inflammation, produce bone resorption (destruction of bone) that causes periarticular osteoporosis, which can lead to spontaneous bone fractures.

Spontaneous fractures may also occur due to inactivity, nutritional deficiency, glucocorticoids, and the use of methotrexate, as well as previous osteoporosis.

In very advanced phases, it can lead to a bone ankylosis (fusion of the bony ends in the joint).

Tendons and ligaments

Spontaneous rupture is common, especially in the wrist, hand and rotator cuff at shoulder level. More often, tenosynovitis and weak ligaments cause joint instability and subluxation.


There is anecdotal evidence that infections can trigger bouts of rheumatoid arthritis.

It is important to keep in mind that patients with rheumatoid arthritis are the most susceptible to septic arthritis, often facilitated by the immunosuppressive drugs used to treat the disease. A very uncommon complication occurs in patients with more advanced rheumatoid arthritis, who undergo prolonged corticoid treatments or receive local injections of them.


It is a clinically uncommon complication, consisting of the accumulation of insoluble proteins (amyloid) in several organs and tissues compromising their function. If amyloid accumulates in the kidney, a persistent amount of protein in the urine of more than one gram may exist as the initial sign before clinical signs of renal involvement appear. Amyloidosis usually progresses to renal failure. It is usually treated with patients with a long evolution of rheumatoid arthritis.

You can feel this sensation in the knees, hands, and even hips and other joints throughout the body, especially early in the morning, accompanied by numbness and stiffness of the affected joints. If so, think again and try to respond to the following:

Do you lift pesos the day before? Or do hiking? Or enjoy some sports? If you feel unbearable or mild and persistent joint pain for no apparent reason, it is possible that we have just developed arthritis.

Arthritis is a condition in which the joints begin to swell. It is very common nowadays, with more than 9 million Indians reported being in the clutches of rheumatoid arthritis (and there are over 100 different types of arthritis!) More than a whopping 43 million Americans are said to suffer from one Form of arthritis or the other. The numbers are huge, but at the same time there is no cure for arthritis you cure, there are several remedies that can be done at home to relieve symptoms and lead an active life.

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Home Remedies for Arthritis:

1. Exercise:

Stay on the move, as this can help keep joints from working. Small activities like walking and gardening instead of sleeping all day can help your joints. Talk to your orthopedic and learn a series of movement exercises. Light exercise such as swimming or elevations of the leg and arm curls will strengthen your muscles while moving your joints.

2. Apple cider vinegar:

Rich in vital minerals that strengthen bones and joints, ACV will help relieve the symptoms of arthritis. Consumption of some ACV that is rich in magnesium, potassium and calcium will strengthen your joints and muscles and eliminate the accumulation of toxins in the connective tissues and joints.

To obtain an alkalizing effect, drink one cup of hot water with one teaspoon of ACV and honey each, on an empty stomach.

3. Mustard oil:

Mustard oil is a natural ointment that will help improve blood circulation in joints and thereby reduce pain

Heat a little mustard oil in a small wok, until slightly warm..

Add to that an equal amount of onion juice and gently rub over painful joints.

Cover with a plastic sheet and use a warm compress to reduce inflammation and pain.

4. Epsom bath water:

Epsom salt is a good source of magnesium, which helps to regulate pH levels in the body

Heat a half cup of water and add a little lemon juice and Epsom salt

Take a teaspoon of this mixture three times a week for the relief of inflammation and pain.

Alternatively, a hot water bath is prepared. Add 4 cups of Epsom salt to the bath and have a rejuvenating bath.

5. Cinnamon:

Cinnamon can be used to relieve pain and help you get your day-to-day tasks smoothly

Mix one tablespoon of honey with a pinch of cinnamon powder in. A mugful of warm water and consume each morning on an empty stomach.

You can also use paste without water as an ointment to relieve pain.

6. Dairy products: Read

Arthritis can be a dilapidating condition that can worsen if left uncorrected. Medications consumed to treat arthritis can reduce calcium levels in the body. To counteract this consume low fat yogurt, milk and other dairy products. You can safely consume 1000 mg of calcium a day to protect your bones and control arthritis.

7. Settings in the kitchen:

Small adjustments in your kitchen can help cope with arthritis, and protect the arthritic joints from injury or strain

The kitchen drawer store pulls you need a less stressful grip. .

You can also burn a layer of thin rubber foam on broom or mop handles as more padding means easier handling and less pain.

They do not struggle with large boxes of groceries. Instead, use a cart to move it from your car to your kitchen.

Use lightweight pans with comfortable handles.

8. Cherries:

Eat cherries by the dozen, rich in magnesium and potassium that make a great painkiller and reduce inflammation. It is one of the best natural remedies for arthritis.

Try to buy fresh cherries and consume a dozen a day.

Alternatively, you can also dig it in a can of frozen cherries.

Cherry juice simply boiled the fruit in the water when consumed daily is said to help those suffering from arthritis to a large extent.

9. Omega 3 fatty acids:

If you suffer from arthritis you can benefit greatly from the consumption of fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids such as salmon and tuna

Alternatively, buy a bottle of fish oil and drink. Teaspoonful three times a day.

Consuming this on an empty stomach can reduce pain, inflammation and stiffness!

Also, to consume flax seeds for the regulation of pain.

10. Borage:

If you suffer from chronic arthritis, it is natural that you are already on medication. However, the medication will not be enough.

Gently borage massage oil that has anti-inflammatory products for the instant relief of acute pain.

Alternatively, you can also consume a teaspoon of oil for pain relief.

Remember, if you suffer from arthritis you need to maintain a weight control, for your joints you have to bear all of your weight. Eat healthy, exercise lightly in tandem along with these home arthritis remedies to lead a normal life.

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