How to stop food cravings! Break Your Addiction Now!

How to stop food cravings! Break Your Addiction Now!

Facts about How to stop food cravings

An increasing number of emerging sciences is discovering the connections between the brain and the stomach, when it comes to food, and how food companies are taking advantage of this fact, creating more unhealthy yet tasty food products for mass consumption. Although a number of people are of the opinion that in order to lose weight or How to stop food cravings  it is as simple as exercise and watch what you eat, there are a number of other forces at work that are trying to pounds on your frame in order to tilt the weighing scale to a maximum. It is predicted that by the year 2030, more than 58% of the world will be overweight or obese. And, it is believed that the brain is the cause of worry and not the stomach, as a good deal of research conducted over the past couple of years has revealed that food temptation can actually cause food addiction.

How to stop food cravings

Although the debate is currently raging on whether food addiction is simply a myth, more and more studies reveal that food addiction is actually a serious disorder that is causing a number of people to lose control over their eating habits. It is speculated that only a few people are actually addicted to food but in reality, a greater number of people might actually be vulnerable to the manner in which the brain is tricked into consuming more food than Is required by the human body. Given the current plethora of food-based reality television shows and competitions and an accelerating fast-food culture boom across the world, it is becoming increasingly difficult for an average human being to protest the stimuli causing to binge.

It is thus important to recognise such signs, fight against such tactics adopted by unscrupulous food companies and gain control over what goes into your mouth and stomach.

Based on our evolutionary struggle, humans continue to exist on this planet because of two vital ingredients that have been valued treasures in our effort towards ‘survival of the fittest’ - sugar and fat.

Early humanity, such as cavemen, needed fat as survival fuel. Additionally, sugar helped the cavemen to stay alert from potential dangers around them. In our current age, a great number of people are desk bound and have very minimal activity in their daily lives thus burning very few calories as compared to their ancestors . In spite of that, we continue to indulge in high sugar and high fat foods that bring pleasure to the brain, but indigestion to the stomach. Hence, food analysts and researchers are of the opinion that the foods that our brains desire is not always the food that is good for our body.

Here are some tips that can help you to become aware of the food temptations around you and in turn control your overall diet. These include:

Breaking the addictive habit: eat in a manner that can make your calories last longer. Since you no longer require to store large repositories of calories in your system until the next meal, opt for foods that contain nutrients with long-lasting power. Combining protein and fibre in your meal will not only give you fullness, but also control your overall response to over bingeing and help you stay off future food cravings till the next meal.

Stop your brain from controlling you: in a particular study conducted by the Department of Gen psychiatry, it is shown that the brains of individuals, who were addicted to food, would consume dense calorie milkshakes and would respond in the same manner that drug addicts would respond to a shot of cocaine. It was seen that, just like drug addicts, food addicts had similar response systems such as reward signals and signs which pointed to dopamine dysfunction. In the study it was also revealed that just like drug addicts, when food addicts tried to curb their tendencies they would relapse.

Be aware of mindless bingeing: all of us have fallen prey, sometime or the other, to mindless eating. You might have had an exceptionally brutal day at work and after the gruelling commute; you mindlessly start raiding your refrigerator, trying to binge on anything that will bring pleasure to your brain. Although it might bring temporary happiness to your brain and stomach, you will discover that you are increasingly getting conditioned to eat for all the wrong reasons such as, when you're happy, distressed, anxious, and sad or any other overwhelming emotion. Just as in the case of Pavlov's dog, any trigger might start to get you salivating. By being aware of this conditioning stimulus, you can help to prevent such incidents.

About Author:

Nagendra 28 year’s old guest blogger. Spends most of the time on researching and writing Blogs.

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