Quick and easy ways to lose weight by health expert

Quick and easy ways to lose weight by health expert

Ways to lose weight by health expert-

Tired of tormenting your body with strenuous exercises and skipping meals? Health expert offers quick and easy ways to lose the extra body fat.


Weight loss does not always mean starving your body or sweating out aggressively in the gym. Either of these ways to shed those extra calories can be harmful to the body. In fact, there are many natural ways a person can lose weight. Healthy eating and stress-free lifestyle helps in maintaining a fit and disease-free body all through your life. Bollywood's busiest and prominent dietician expert Anjali Mukerjee’s Health Total recommends inculcating a few changes in your everyday living that will keep you in good physical shape, whatever the age is. It is important to follow the diet plan with utmost determination, and make sure craving for your favorite food does not stop you from the goal of getting a lean and slim body. Follow this Indian diet plan for weight loss and get rid of that extra fat.

Ways to lose weight

Obesity is a common health problem these days, especially among people of the age 20-40. Eating packaged food, unhealthy lifestyle, and a stressful working schedule are the primary reasons of weight gain. However, not many are aware of the wide range of organic and easily available food items that will ensure you maintain a fit body. Eating these food products daily in a desired proportion will not only maintain your health but will ensure that your body strongly resists severe health ailments. Famous Bollywood dietician expert, Anjali Mukerjee Health Total gives an insight on all such food products that are easily available and are economical too. Read more to find out. A commonly used kitchen ingredient in Indian households’, moong dal ranks highest in the Indian diet plan for weight loss. The dal is rich in Vitamin A, C, B, and E. A cup of moong dal offers the body’s requirement of proteins and fibers. Regular consumption of the dal helps accelerate the weight loss process. Besides, it also helps boosting metabolism, and immune system. Have moong dal with rice, or chapattis every day to provide the right proportion of nutrition your body requires.

Say no to packaged food

Packaged food is either ready-to-eat or quick to cook form. Hence, it is a popular way of cooking food among the busy cosmopolitan population. Preparing a complete meal gets exhausting and time-consuming, for many, especially after a tiring day at work. However, in this race with time we forget the high amount of calories and unhealthy content we are consuming every day Health Total suggests staying away from such packaged frozen food. There are many delicious recipes that can be cooked instantly without much effort. Also, prohibit yourself from buying packaged food. If you have a craving for such food, the first and foremost step towards avoiding their consumption is staying away from the counter of packaged food while shopping for your monthly groceries.

Stay away from your kitchen

For most people, a trip to the kitchen means craving for their favorite dessert kept in the fridge or hogging on to their favorite snacks. Every time you go to the kitchen you munch in some of your favorite food. Most of it contains fatty and oily food. Thus, you end up eating extra calories than your body actually requires. According to Health Total, you must stay away from the kitchen as much as possible. Use the kitchen only when you want to make meals or do something really important. Also, it is also important to resist the late night cravings.

Make cereals a part of your everyday breakfast

The Indian diet plan for weight loss comprises of cereals with milk for breakfast. It is advisable to eat cereals five times a week. Not only do they make your tummy full, but are extremely nutritious for a healthy start to your morning. You can pair up the cereals with dry fruits and fresh seasonal fruits of your choice. A bowl full of cereals is sure to give you the much-needed energy for a hectic day at work.

Eat more fruits

For most people drinking fruit juice is less time consuming and quicker. However, stop being a lazy brat and indulge in eating more and more fruits. Eating fruits instead of drinking fruit juice is that, it keeps your stomach full for longer hours. Also, fruits contain more nutrients than fruit juice.


Anjali Mukerjee is India’s leading nutritionist, health expert, and researcher. Founder and Director of Health Total, recommends the diet plan above for weight loss, giving a detailed guide for a healthy body. Working out and following a wholesome diet plan will enhance the emotional and mental fitness. Eat healthily and stay fit to flaunt the perfect body.



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